14 December 2013

The Apple Of Eden Part 1

Those reading may understand what I'm referring to in the title, assuming that you are a gamer.
Now the Apple that I'm talking about can be linked to both the forbidden fruit from the bible or the mystical ancient device of mind control used by the Assassins in the game series Assassin's Creed. In both cases This apple is a symbol of knowledge.

 A definition of knowledge states that, information that is understood and applied in the real world in considered to be knowledge. So how exactly is this done? A 4 step process( may vary from person to person). This process takes place without us even knowing.
1.Come up with a hypothesis: Basically a theory, any thought or doubt that you previously had and would like to clear up or know more about.
2. Conducting experiments: By this i mean, test it out, how, when and where does the theory apply, what are its limitations?
3. Observation: This is what you have seen or perceived from your experiment. Outcomes of it.
4. Conclusion: Do your observations match the theory/hypothesis. If they do, then you know you were right, if not then you know you were wrong. Either way you learn something new.

The point that I'm trying to make here is that, we have our ways of attaining knowledge, and we all love learning something new. Knowledge basically helps us understand our world and whatever is beyond it better. How many of us have actually paused to think about everything that you have learnt over the last few years or more, and the impact it has had on our lives? Does knowing more really make you a better person or more superior than the rest? That answer to that is up to you to think about.

7 December 2013

Sail On

Dark as the night that surrounds me
Cold and hard as that of stone
Vision blurred, I can barely see
Here I stand, alone.

It matters not what is the past
Nor what our futures hold
Living every moment to the last
Braving the storm and staying bold.

My body left bleeding
My cries reach the skies above
The lives we are leading
Are ones lacking in love.

There is a storm brewing
High and mighty is the cloud
But my ship she keeps moving
My head still unbowed..

Nickith J. Williams

5 December 2013

Time And Trust

Time: Gradient = Constant

It is said that everything in this world is temporary. Only time is permanent.......

Memory is powerful tool and yet it is such a burden. We tend to forget things that might just help us. Like during exams, how do we always manage to forget the answers. We know that we know it and yet, we mess up. On the other hand, we always remember the things we try so hard to forget. An embarrassing incident or something that hurt you once before. Those stay for years and years. Time and memory are two variables that we cannot seem to control. Time surpasses all of us (literally). Memory controls us. We all know that Memory is directly linked to time. As time passes we create new memories. Some we will remember, others our subconscious will remember. Memory also helps us learn new things, create a better understanding of our world. Along with time it also teaches us that nothing stays the same. Good things and bad things always come to anend. We try to recreate memories, but it never comes close. There is no better feeling than experiencing something new.

Trust: A feeling of unity with another entity.

When you feel that you can scream your heart out, without having the fear of being judged, or heard by anyone else. That's when trust is established. Personally I value trust over almost everything. This also is powerful tool that tells you that someone/something is always there for you. Even when the world turns away. Being such a powerful tool, it can be misused. Yes, we've all been there haven't we?
Having your trust broken, by someone you thought you had faith in. To me that's the worst feeling anyone could ever undergo.
No one deserves that. No one. 

2 December 2013

Shed Some Light

  • Thought: A short instance of self attained knowledge.

We all have fleeting thoughts, about sometimes the most random things.Most of these thoughts bring about a drastic change in our emotions.These thoughts can be triggered by incidents that we ourselves have experienced, or something we've heard or seen. These thoughts have aa strong role in our behaviour. Which is why we should control them,which again is practically impossible. Whether we like it or not, no matter what we think we know. We can't control our thoughts. Thinkabout it for a while.If I tell you not to think about pigs, what will you think of? I justaltered your train of thought. Thought can do so much and yet is sofickle.This is what I will be mainly talking about in my series, the futility of the things which have the highest frequency in our life.

  • Emotion: The feelings that are present with us since we were born.

Emotion, similar to thought can change the way we behave. Thoughts control emotions and vice versa. So, why do we feel happy, sad, angry, yet again incidents trigger such emotions. Thoughts can also trigger a change in emotion. Personally, I believe emotions are a human's weakness. Emotions always come in the way when we consider anything. People can also play with your emotions. I'm a 16 year old and I'm still an emotional rollercoaster. (Yeah, puberty). That's what pulls me down always. As a matter of fact it has demotivated me more number of times. Yes, emotions make our lives more interesting too. Imagine talking to a person who had the same expression on their face all the time. You would get bored. 

Emotions of happiness and shock make our lives that much more fun.

How Real is Our Reality

Look around you and try to describe the shape and colour of the objects that you see; describe it in English or your native tongue. When we try and describe these we realize two things;
1. Our language is limited in terms of describing reality
2. Perception blurs reality

Think about it, everything that you know to be real is just something that someone sometime in the past had found to be "true". An object being blue to someone could well be red to somebody else but they both call it blue because to the person who sees it as red has been fed the information that red is actually blue. It is what we learn during our childhood that we carry on with us. If I was taught that 2+2 is 5 and not 4 when I was young, I would still be believing that and state it as a fact. 1 was given a value by us, similarly every single word in the dictionary was given a meaning by us. Speaking in that sense, we have created our own reality.

If something that is created in somebody's mind is called imagination. Then is not reality on the borderline of imagination? This is one of the main crossroads science and religion come together on. We use science to try explain all that goes on around us while religion attributes it to the works of a higher being. I'm not trying to draw blood here but that is the fact...  No matter what you choose to believe in, the fact is that we are powerless when compared to the size of the universe; be it from a scientific or religious stand point. Yet we are the most intelligent species on this planet and we have categorized everything around us to help us understand what goes on around us.. We have created science and religion. If we had the power to create what defines us today, then does that not mean that we are after all powerful? We are powerless yet powerful, enough to deceive ourselves to the point that we think our imaginations have become facts and reality...

 Is the background of this page really black? Are you really reading this in English? How real is your reality?

29 November 2013


There have been many instances in my life where I have asked myself 'What is my purpose?'. What is our purpose in life as human beings? I mean it seems to me that we are all here for a reason and we all need a reason to keep pushing through our struggles in life. There is always something that pushes us on and surprisingly we all share this one thing. It is happiness. Think about it, everybody wants to be happy that is their sole purpose in life. What we want in our lives is happiness, though we may phrase it differently saying things like "I want my family to be happy" or "Having lots of money" etc. in the end it is our own happiness that matters.

Take for example a person who does community work, they would claim that they're here to serve and brighten others' lives but what they get out of it is their own happiness and thus the fulfillment of their desires. It kind of makes humans in general sound selfish but that is the truth. We are all here to enjoy life and be happy. That is the motive of every single act that you have ever undertaken since the time you were born and will remain the number one priority whether you know it or not. When we do do things that would not exactly make us happy, it is still done in the hope that something good might come out of it. We are all in an endless search for happiness however we may define happiness to be because happiness is subjective after all...

"So we beat on, boats against the current, born back ceaselessly into the past"

                                                                                                                            - F. Scott Fitzgerald

9 September 2013

Everything is in continuum

There are distinctions in whatever we see and do. From people to actions; we have either been taught these distinctions or have drawn the line at some point saying "Okay if this object has this characteristics then this must belong to a certain group" and so on. We have races, religion, gender, age and so much more dividing us all. But what we don't seem to realize is that these are merely distinctions that we as humans have created and have placed in society to stand apart from each other. If we look for scientific proof, the genes in our DNA suggest that we are very close in terms of our genes and how they are structured. Therefore there is a continuum within us despite the fact that we all seem different from one another.

When we take this principle and apply it to everything around us we see that it can be proven that everything is in continuum. Time is a perfect example to show this as it is always moving and never stopping, it is continuous. Movement of people is continuous because even if we stop while walking we are still moving due to the rotation and revolution of the Earth around its orbit. Our bodies are always pumping fluid in the form of blood or hormones etc and so they're always moving. Your daily business being dumped into the soil will serve as nutrients to plants one day that will then be eaten by animals and then eaten by you again and therefore there is a continuous cycle. Nothing ever stops. Take the two most distinct things or categories you know and you'll always find a link between them somewhere at some point in history. We are all connected and moving at all times. Ever since the Big Bang, nothing has ever ceased to exit. It is always converted to some form or the other that will exist in the world and universe as we know it. Even the distinction between living and dead is blurred; when exactly do we say a person is dead? There are so many answers to this. When the blood stops pumping from the heart? When the brain no longer functions? When the flow of fluids stop? When the cells eventually die? 

All the answer that we have created to answer our questions have come from definitions we as humans have created and put in place for hundreds of years and therefore have become facts. This is what psychologists call categorical thinking, where we form categories into which all that we have knowledge of will fit into. These are just mere linguistic divisions we form to help us think better. This is when you realize that we as humans who are very inquisitive and always questioning what's happening to satisfy our curiosities have never gotten the complete answer. We see that our questions that were asked have never been truly answered for the entire span of human history and will never be truly answered ever. We will never stop asking questions even though there is never a perfect answer to the questions we ask...